General Real Estate, Home Buying, Home Selling, Market Stats
As you may have heard, 2021 was a wild ride in many ways, including in the real estate market. After month after month of increasing prices and bidding wars, thing finally cooled down a bit in November and December. Sale prices continued to inch closer and closer to...
General Real Estate, Home Buying, Home Selling
But when it comes to the real estate market these days, it seems that’s not exactly a positive. Depends on who you ask. Less Homes for Sale = More High Prices Though inventory is always relatively low this time of year, this year the lack of inventory and hungry...
General Real Estate, Home Buying, Market Stats
Many have speculated that we’re in a bubble and it’s about to burst. This has been going on since last May, when the market roared back to life after a couple months of lockdown. Probably safe to say at this point that this market is here to last. At least...