The small town of Poulsbo, on Washington’s Kitsap Penninsula, feels quite similar to Seattle’s old Ballard neighborhood. At least, pre-2006 Ballard, before it became the epicenter of Seattle’s blazing-hot real estate market. Craft coffee shops and breweries have popped up in Poulsbo over the last decade, along with gourmet chocolates. (The famed Sluy’s Poulsbo Bakery has been a mainstay since the 1960s).

Now, Poulsbo is just starting to feel the heat from the Seattle market. Multiple offers are becoming more common, hand-in-hand with over-asking-price offers. Get ready, Kitsap. The tide may be turning.

For more on Poulsbo, read this article in our publication about the region, Coasting Home Magazine and check out the stats below.


Median sales price of Ballard homes vs. Poulsbo, updated live (below).

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